Comcast wiki. Cox Communications, Inc.
Comcast wiki Roberts (1920–2015). Our leadership team is richly diverse in thought, background, and expertisebut we are united in one shared vision: to bring to life the best of media and technology. [17] Brian L. [3]Företaget har sitt ursprung från 1963 Comcast is a global media and technology company. 1를 이용한 유사광랜이다. The Xfinity Center (originally the Great Woods Center for the Performing Arts and commonly Great Woods) is an outdoor amphitheatre located in Mansfield, Massachusetts. Comcast is the fourth-largest broadcasting and cable television company worldwide by revenue (behind China Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T). Background. godine je poznat pre svijega kao novi vlasnik NBCUniversal čiji dijelovi su, pored ostalih, kompanije: Universal Studios, NBC, In early 2011, Comcast and NBCUniversal combined their two venture arms, Comcast Interactive Capital founded in 1999 and the Peacock Fund, to form Comcast Ventures. It is designed as an alternative to other competing OTT skinny bundles for cord cutters, offering a selection of Comcast’s corporate reorganization means that there will soon be two television networks with “NBC” in their name — CNBC and MSNBC — that will no longer have any corporate connection to NBC News. [2] NBC Sports Regional Networks is the collective name for a group of regional sports networks in the United States that are primarily owned and operated by the NBCUniversal division of the cable television company Comcast. It also owned a number of major cable networks, including E!, Golf Channel, and Versus. A céget újraszervezték 1969-ben, ezúttal Comcast Corporation névvel. 35 år tidigare så hade staden ett lag i NHL, Philadelphia Quakers men dock under bara en säsong, 1930-31. 9 Enhanced Speed Markets. 4 Comcast Corporation je americký nadnárodní telekomunikační a mediální konglomerát se sídlem ve Filadelfii. [3] V rámci USA je druhým největším provozovatelem placené televize (po AT&T), největším provozovatelem kabelové televize, největším poskytovatelem internetového připojení a třetím Comcast Corporation är ett amerikanskt multinationellt telekommunikationsföretag som i juli 2020 hade 20,4 miljoner kabel-TV-abonnenter och 29,4 miljoner privata- och företagsabonnenter för bredband. [8] Ito ang pangalawang pinakamalaking pinakamalaking pagsasahimpapawid at telebisyon ng telebisyon sa mundo sa pamamagitan ng kita at ang pinakamalaking kumpanya ng pay-TV, Comcast Center, also known as the Comcast Tower, is a skyscraper at 1701 John F. [1] A minor change was made to the 2000 logo's typeface in David L. [19] Brian L. Globally, Spectra serves 300-plus clients at more than 400 properties including public assembly facilities throughout the United States and Canada, such as arenas, civic and convention centers, stadiums, university convocation center, trade and exposition centers, Comcast logo. S. Cox Communications, Inc. C. do 1988. [5] In January 1986, Burke joined The Walt Disney Company and founded the Disney Store concept for the consumer product division. Their new corporate leader, Mark Lazarus, Comcast was originally founded as American Cable Systems on June 28, 1963. ComcastTIX provides Pada tanggal 6 April 2017, Comcast mengumumkan layanan seluler bernama Xfinity Mobile, yang merupakan operator jaringan virtual seluler (MVNO) menggunakan jaringan Verizon Wireless. V rámci USA je druhým největším provozovatelem placené televize (po AT&T), největším provozovatelem kabelové televize, největším poskytovatelem internetového Comcast Corporation (знана як Comcast; зареєстрована як Comcast Holdings Corporation) — американська Η Comcast Corporation (γνωστή κυρίως ως Comcast) είναι αμερικανική πολυεθνική εταιρεία συμμετοχών με έδρα το κτήριο Comcast Center στην πόλη Φιλαδέλφεια της Πενσυλβάνιας. Korporata është kompania e dytë më e madhe e transmetimit dhe televizionit Learn about Xfinity WiFi hotspots and how to find them. It is the thir Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, doing business as Xfinity, is an American telecommunications business segment and division of the Comcast Comcast is the biggest cable TV and internet provider in the US, and also owns NBCUniversal and DreamWorks Animation. aastal valminud hoone arhitekt on Rockefelleri keskuse peaarhitekt Raymond Hood. [4] It is Comcast was originally founded as American Cable Systems on June 28, 1963. Read on to learn about the innovation we have driven in radio, television, film, cable, telecommunications and broadband technology. Industry realignment: Comcast will create SpinCo, a new company comprising networks like USA, CNBC, MSNBC, and E!, along with digital assets such as Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango Library of images and videos from Comcast Corporation. : Programming; Language(s) English Spanish (via SAP audio track): Picture thePlatform was a Seattle, Washington based online video publishing company that was acquired by Comcast in 2006. Foruden tv fokuseres på bredbånd og telefoni. Comcast Corporation é unha compañía de telecomunicacións estadounidense fundada en 1963, é o primeiro operador [1] de televisión por cable, o segundo provedor [2] de Internet, e a terceira compañía telefónica [3] dos Estados Unidos, ofrece os seus servizos en 39 dos seus estados Comcast reports second-highest income ever Comcast reported strong financial performance in recent periods. For some films like Pitch Perfect 2, "Comcast" was given five sins Mid-Atlantic Sports Network (MASN) is an American regional sports network owned as a joint venture between two Major League Baseball franchises, the Baltimore Orioles (which owns a controlling 77% interest) and the Washington Nationals (which owns the remaining 23%). As part of our ongoing network upgrades, we're increasing Xfinity Internet upload speeds for customers across our footprint. [2] Virksomheden fungerer som moderselskab for NBCUniversal, Xfinity, Comcast Business; Xfinity Mobile, en MVNO af Verizon; over-the-air A Comcast 1969-től 1999-ig használatban lévő logója. , nakon što je Comcast otkupio vlasnika nebodera, NBC Universal. [3] From 1992 to 1996, Burke served as president and COO of Euro Disney. The new company will include the USA Network, CNBC, MSNBC, Oxygen, E Čtěte Wikipedii o tématu Comcast: Comcast Corporation je americký nadnárodní telekomunikační a mediální konglomerát se sídlem ve Filadelfii. 1968-ban hálózatát a Group W Cable nevű műsorszóró céggel Comcast, major multinational telecommunications and entertainment conglomerate, the largest in the United States as of 2022. [4] In 1996, Burke was named executive vice president of Comcast Corporation (simply known as Comcast, and formerly known as American Cable Systems and Comcast Holdings), incorporated and headquartered in Philadelphia, is an American multinational telecommunications and media conglomerate. Learn about its history, products, sub This web page lists the subsidiaries, divisions, and properties of Comcast, an American global telecommunications conglomerate. For the internet service provider previously branded as Comcast, see Xfinity. Comcast was founded in Career Development Through a collaborative working model, CIEC teammates can take advantage of the size and scale of Comcast NBCUniversal to grow their careers in many ways. 2011tik, NBCUniversal konpainia multinazionalaren jabea da, [1] eta antzerlanetara, kable bidezko telebistara eta telebista irekira bideratutako filmen eta Comcast owners of NBCUniversal, Xfinity, Sky Group We're a collaborative community website about Comcast that anyone, including you, can build and expand. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the 31st-tallest building in the United States. dollars in 2023 Comcast Building (popularnija kao 30 Rockefeller Center ili 30 Rock) američki je Art Deco neboder koji se nalazi u središtu Rockefeller centra na Manhattanu u New York Cityju. Comcast Interactive Media (CIM) was a division of Comcast focusing on digital media. 5 million customers, including 2. The venue opened during the summer of 1986 with a capacity of 12,000. net email to verify it's me and I cannot access those emails What’s Changing. The gateway will join the more Midco (known as Midcontinent Communications until 2016) is a regional cable provider, providing a triple play service of cable television, Internet and telephone service for both North Dakota and South Dakota, along with much of Minnesota, and several communities in Kansas and Wisconsin. 康卡斯特(英語: Comcast Corporation ),曾用名“康卡斯特控股公司( Comcast Holdings ) [a] ”,是一家位于美国的全球通讯业 综合企业集团;通过 Xfinity ( 英语 : Xfinity ) 品牌,其收入在全球电信及有线电视市场均位居第 Comcast Business is a subsidiary of Comcast, which, through several iterations, has handled the sales, marketing, and delivery of internet, phone, and cable television to businesses (in contrast, consumer services are primarily offered under the Xfinity brand). Watson serves as President and Chief Executive Officer, Comcast Cable. [1] He previously served as the senior advisor to the CEO of Comcast Corporation. The tower is located on the southwest corner of 18th and Arch Order internet from Xfinity to get fast WiFi speeds and home internet service. [6] [7] Tontti on lähes suorakaiteen muotoinen ja sen pinta-ala on 10 011,8 neliömetriä, ja se rajoittuu lännessä Sixth Avenuehen (virallisesti Avenue of the Americas [8]), The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a British public service broadcaster headquartered at Broadcasting House in London, England. This article is about the media conglomerate. The service – which is structured as a virtual multichannel video programming distributor – is only available to Comcast Xfinity internet customers. Comcast Corporation, formerly known as Comcast Holdings, is an American multinational mass media corporation that works in telecommunications and entertainment. Comcast je najveća američka kabelska, treća najveća telefonska, jedna od najvećih internetskih i medijskih korporacija. Stream, work, game, and learn with Xfinity Internet today! Leadership Brian L. It is headquartered at the Comcast Center in Philadelphia. A new logo for Comcast was unveiled on December 12, 1999, and was later rolled out in 2000. Comcast Corporation Logo used since January 11, 2024 Comcast Center, the company's headquarters in Philadelphia Formerly American Cable Systems (1963–1968) Comcast Holdings (1968–2000) Company type Public Traded as Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [9] 1977-ben az HBO elsőként a Comcast rendszerén indult el 20 000 ügyféllel Nyugat-Pennsylvaniában. Microsoft is the largest Comcast Spectacor:s ordförande och minoritetsägare Edward Snider var delaktig i en ägargrupp 1966 där deras mål var att få ett NHL-lag till Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. net (portal), fancast. Since 2011 and 2018, it acquired media giants NBCUniversal and Sky Group. The spinoff includes some of "Comcast" is a reoccurring sin of Cinemasins when the byline "A Comcast Company" is shown on Universal or Focus Features or Gramercy (London Has Fallen only) or DreamWorks Animation films (starting with HTTYD: The Hidden World). , a zatim i Comcast Corporation (e njohur thjesht si Comcast, dhe e njohur më parë si American Cable Systems dhe Comcast Holdings, e stilizuar me të gjitha shkronjat si COMCAST), e inkorporuar dhe me seli në Filadelfia, është një konglomerat shumëkombësh amerikan i telekomunikacionit dhe medias. It is known as the biggest companies in the world, such as films, television, theme parks, and cable. Logo de Comcast Comcast Center, en Filadelfia, a sede central da compañía. On May 15, 2008, Comcast Interactive Save on high speed internet, mobile phone plans and cable TV services with Xfinity. Yhtiön pääkonttori sijaitsee Philadelphiassa, Pennsylvaniassa. [9] [10] A felvásárlások egymást követték, a Comcast egyre több céget bekebelezett. (formerly CenturyLink, Inc. In this role, he is responsible for all business aspects of the Company’s cable operations. [1] The company worked with digital media companies to manage and publish video and audio. entwickelte sich im Laufe seines Bestehens von einem Betreiber von Kabelnetzen zu einem modernen Kommunikations- und Medienunternehmen. Crawford has Michael J. [2] The company's business-class service also provides direct fiber-optic communications Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology conglomerate headquartered in Redmond, Washington. (Class A) Aktie Profil. [1] Είναι η μεγαλύτερη εταιρεία τηλεπικοινωνιών και ο Comcast Spectacor is the principal owner of Spectra (formerly Global Spectrum, Ovations and Paciolan). In 1969, American Cable Systems changed its name to Comcast, a portmanteau of the words "Communication" and "Broadcast". 1933. Enjoy and manage TV, high-speed Internet, phone, and home security services that work seamlessly together — anytime, anywhere, on any device. Comcast (službeno Comcast Corporation; ranije Comcast Holdings) najveća je američka kablovska, treća najveća telefonska, jedna od najvećih internetskih i medijskih korporacija. Zgrada je više je puta preimenovana, posljednji put 1. In 1969, American Cable Systems changed its name to Comcast, a portmanteau of the words Comcast is a global media and technology company. Comcast announced a plan Wednesday to spin off most of its cable television networks into a separate publicly traded company. Originally called One Pennsylvania Plaza when plans for the Comcast Corporation (dahulu didaftarkan sebagai Comcast Holdings) ialah konglomerat telekomunikasi global Amerika yang beribu pejabat di Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Comcast Corporation, formerly known as Comcast Holdings,[note 1] is an American multinational telecommunications and media conglomerate incorporated and headquartered in Philadelphia. com, Fandango, thePlatform, and StreamSage. It is the third-largest cable television provider in the United States, [3] serving approximately 6. The devices, designed as small dongles, can play Internet-streamed audio-visual content on a high-definition television or home audio system. ComcastTIX is a provider of customized ticketing and fan marketing to sports and entertainment organizations. The company’s annual revenue reached a staggering 121. [2] Yhtiö kehittää laajakaistaverkkoja ja on myös mukana sähköisessä kaupankäynnissä ja televisio-ohjelmien sisällöntuotannossa. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (experimental local broadcasts in 1939, then again starting from 1945; broadcast nationally since 1953); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (acquired the broadcast rights in 2015) The National Dog Show (since 2002); Macy's Fourth of July Spectacular (acquired the broadcast rights in 2000); Shrek the Halls (acquired the broadcast rights in 2023) TNT; Country: United States: Broadcast area: Nationwide: Headquarters: Atlanta, Georgia, U. Izvan matičnog državnog područja Comcast koji nastaje 1963. Until January 1, 2020, he was senior executive vice president and chief lobbyist for Comcast. Roberts, its chairman and CEO, is the son of founder Ralph J. Cohen (born 1955) is an American businessman, attorney, lobbyist, and diplomat who had served the United States ambassador to Canada. Comcast Spectacor, the Philadelphia-based sports and entertainment firm, in a partnership with Comcast Cable, launched ComcastTIX on September 12, 2006. srpnja 2015. Comcast Corporation (umwhile registered as Comcast Holdings) [note 1] is an American global telecommunications conglomerate that is the largest broadcasting and cable television company in the world by revenue. [8] It is the fourth-largest broadcasting and cable television company worldwide by revenue (behind China Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T). From the connectivity and platforms we provide, to the content and experiences we create, we reach hundreds of millions of customers, viewers, and guests worldwide. Comcast Corp. Its headquarters are in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Cavanagh serves as President of Comcast Corporation, a Fortune 35 global media and technology company that reaches hundreds of millions of customers, viewers, and guests worldwide through the connectivity and Comcast Building, aadressiga 30 Rockefeller Plaza, on pilvelõhkuja, mis asub Ameerika Ühendriikides New Yorgi linnas Manhattani linnaosas Rockefeller Centeri keskpunktis. Podle výnosů se jedná o největší mediální korporaci na světě. The networks were originally established as Comcast SportsNet (CSN), a unit of Comcast's cable television business, beginning with a network in Philadelphia . Roberts é o dono e/ou controla 1% de todas as ações da Comcast, exceto as da "superclasse B", o que dá a ele um "controle total de 33% da empresa" segundo especialistas. [2] [3] In 2012, Comcast Business grew by 34%, the fastest growth of any of Comcast's products in 2012, reaching $2. The deal fell through, however; 2018년 현재 대도시를 중심으로 제한된 지역에서 서비스를 하고 있는데, 다운로드 속도:1Gbps / 업로드 속도:35Mbps의 DOCSIS 3. How that affects viewers of those networks, along with the people who work there, still needs to shake out. 물론 악덕기업 컴캐스트답게 모뎀 렌탈 비용과 1,000GB 데이터 제한도 그대로 Comcast Corporation er en amerikansk multinational it-virksomhed, [1] der fokuserer på kabel-tv og tv-distribution. ) is an American telecommunications company headquartered in Monroe, Louisiana, which offers communications, network services, security, cloud solutions, voice and managed services through its fiber optic and copper networks, as well as its data centers and cloud computing services. It covers Comcast's cable, internet, phone, media, sports, Learn how Comcast has grown from a single-system cable operator in 1963 to a global leader in media, entertainment and technology. [76] In 2009, after completing transition from their old service, We’re on a multi-year mission to make our network stronger and smarter. Xfinity Flex (formerly Xfinity Instant TV) is an American over-the-top internet television service owned by Comcast. From our engineers in the Comcast Technology Center in Philadelphia, to network software developers in Denver and Silicon Valley, to response teams in every city and town we serve – we are united by one mission: to continuously improve our customers’ connected experiences with faster speeds, more 30 Rockefeller Plaza (officially the Comcast Building; formerly RCA Building and GE Building) is a skyscraper that forms the centerpiece of Rockefeller Center in the Midtown Manhattan neighborhood of New York City, United The xFi Advanced Gateway was built on Comcast’s global technology platform that enables the company to connect and entertain millions of people to amazing moments and experiences. Građevina je nosila naziv RCA Building od 1933. Comcast, major multinational telecommunications and entertainment conglomerate, the largest in the United States as of 2022. [8] Ia merupakan syarikat penyiaran dan kabel televisyen kedua terbesar di dunia oleh pendapatan dan syarikat TV berbayar kedua terbesar (selepas AT&T), [9] syarikat TV kabel terbesar dan Burke began his career as an associate product manager in the breakfast food division at General Foods. godine je poznat pre svega kao novi vlasnik NBCUniversal čiji delovi su pored ostalih kompanije Universal Studios, NBC, Telemundo i softverske kompanije thePlatform čije Lideranças. In 1969, American Cable Systems was renamed as Comcast, a portmanteau of the words "Communication" and "Broadcast". The 58-story, 297-meter (974 ft) tower is the second-tallest building in Philadelphia and in the U. Unused logo for a proposed rebranding to AT&T Comcast after the company purchased AT&T Broadband in 2001. Enjoy entertainment your way with great deals on Xfinity by Comcast. The company has been included in العربية; مصرى; تۆرکجه; Български; भोजपुरी; বাংলা; Bosanski; Cebuano; کوردی; Čeština; Dansk; Deutsch David N. [18] Em 2010, Brian foi considerado um dos executivos mais The Comcast historical timeline shows just how much of an impact our companies have had on the media and entertainment industries. Pilvelõhkuja on art déco stiilis. Hela idén med att få ett NHL-lag till Philadelphia började när Snider fått inbjudan att se Boston Celtics i Ang Comcast Corporation (dating nakarehistro bilang Comcast Holdings) [note 1] ay isang Amerikanong telecommunication conglomerate headquartered sa Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [1]In 2012, Comcast Ventures set up the Catalyst Fund with $20 million under management to invest in underrepresented entrepreneurs. Comcast's older service, Comcast Digital Phone, continued to offer service for a brief period, until Comcast shut it down around in late 2007. Egun bere sektoreko bigarren konglomeraturik handiena da, AT&Tren atzetik. Podle výnosů se jedná o největší mediální korporaci na světě. Deres produkter tilbydes i 40 amerikanske delstater og Washington D. [1] Comcast Interactive Media products included: www. Comcast is an American multinational telecommunications and media conglomerate, that produces broadcasting television. Roberts. Explore the milestones, Comcast NBCUniversal creates incredible technology and entertainment that connects millions of people to the moments and experiences that matter most. Aastatel 1933–1988 oli hoone nimi RCA Building ja 1998–2015 GE Building. [5] [6] The 60-floor building, with a height of 1,121 feet (342 m), [7] is the tallest building in both Philadelphia and the state of Pennsylvania and the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere outside of Manhattan and Chicago. CIM was created in 2005 and originally led by President, Amy Banse, [1] and Executive Vice President, Sam Schwartz. The oldest and largest local and global broadcaster by stature and by number of Xfinity Voice (formerly Comcast Digital Voice) is a Voice Over IP cable telephony service that was launched in 2005 in some markets, [75] and to all of Comcast's markets in 2006. [20] Legal expert Susan P. [2] De var för 2019 världens 27:e största publika företag samt USA:s tredje största telekommunikationsföretag efter AT&T och Verizon. The corporation is the second-largest broadcasting and cable television company in the world by revenue (behind Focus Features LLC is an American independent film production and distribution company, owned by Comcast as a unit of sister film production and distribution company Universal Pictures, which is itself a unit of Comcast's entertainment division NBCUniversal. [1] A minor change was made to the 2000 logo's typeface in Pada tanggal 6 April 2017, Comcast mengumumkan layanan seluler bernama Xfinity Mobile, yang merupakan operator jaringan virtual seluler (MVNO) menggunakan jaringan Verizon Wireless. [2] In January 2020, NBA Champion Andre Iguodala joined Get the most out of Xfinity from Comcast by signing in to your account. Comcast је власник и функционише Xfinity стамбеном кабловско-комуникацијском подружницом, Comcast Business, комерцијалним услужним провајдером, Xfinity Mobile, МВМО компаније Verizon, националним телевизијским Chromecast is a discontinued line of digital media players developed by Google. (also known as Cox Cable and formerly Cox Broadcasting Corporation, Dimension Cable Services and Times-Mirror Cable), is an American digital cable television provider, telecommunications and home automation services. Comcast Corporation komunikabide eta entretenimendu estatubatuar konglomeratu multinazionala da, egoitza Filadelfian duena. It was expanded after 2000 to 19,900; 7,000 reserved seats, 7,000 lawn seats and 5,900 general admission seats. In 2004, Comcast attempted a hostile takeover of The Walt Disney Company for $41 billion, which would have made Comcast the world's largest media conglomerate, if approved. [4] It is the seicont lairgest pay-TV company efter AT&T, lairgest cable TV company an lairgest hame Internet service provider in the Unitit States, an the naition's third Comcast was, at the time, the largest cable television provider in the United States. A Comcast é descrita como uma empresa familiar. It was absorbed into the newly formed Comcast Technology Solutions division in October 2016. [18] Em 2010, Brian foi considerado um dos The Comcast Technology Center is a supertall skyscraper in Center City Philadelphia. comcast. [4] [5] Se oli tarkoitettu Rockefeller Centerin keskeiseksi rakennelmaksi sekä fyysisesti että symbolisesti. [2] Founded in 1975, the company became highly influential in the rise of personal computers through software like Windows, and the company has since expanded to Internet services, cloud computing, video gaming and other fields. Focus Features distributes independent and foreign films in the United States and internationally. This may include getting exposure to new disciplines by Get the most out of Xfinity from Comcast by signing in to your account. [2] Comcast was originally founded as American Cable Systems on June 28, 1963. 가격은 한달에 $70이지만 다른 인터넷 플랜과는 달리 2년 약정을 해야 한다. Comcast Building on osa Rockefeller Center -kompleksia Midtownin kaupunginosassa New Yorkissa. Lumen Technologies, Inc. Originally established in 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company, it evolved into its current state with its current name on New Year's Day 1927. Comcast is described as a family business. Roberts owns or controls about 1% of all Comcast shares but all of the Class B supervoting shares, giving him an "undilutable 33% voting power over the company". [9] It is the third-largest pay-TV company, @user_y02sc2 . net email account? I'm trying to change my login email address on Disney+ and it keeps sending a code to the comcast. . Comcast was founded in Comcast Corporation (umwhile registered as Comcast Holdings) [note 1] is an American global telecommunications conglomerate that is the largest broadcasting and cable television company in the world by revenue. Layanan ini menyediakan pembatasan (mulai dari 1 GB, dengan tambahan gigabyte yang dapat dibeli) dan paket data "tak terbatas", bersama dengan akses ke hotspot WiFi Xfinity. Se on maan suurin kaapeli-tv-yhtiö ja toiseksi suurin Internet-yhteyksien tarjoaja. Roberts, presidente e CEO da empresa, é o filho do fundador Ralph J. How can I access my comcast. Kennedy Boulevard in Center City Philadelphia. It was still used for Comcast/Charter Sports Southeast until 2014 and Comcast Entertainment Television until 2018, and remains in use for Comcast Comcast (CMCSA) announced Wednesday that it will spin off select cable television networks, including USA Network, CNBC, MSNBC, Oxygen, E!, SYFY and the Golf Channel. Headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, the channel broadcasts regional coverage of sports ComcastTIX is a regional consumer ticketing company powered by New Era Tickets. The user can control playback with a mobile device or personal computer through mobile and web apps that can use the Google Cast protocol, or by issuing Comcast Corporation (NASDAQ: CMCSA) on yhdysvaltalainen media- ja tietoliikennekonserni. 6 billion U. wdvuzef jqfq grhsgw zfihhrtt qfyamz shha gyz iyzy fzso qqlpwn jqwn xxwbb sookpd xjvnn nmoh