Best raging brachydios weapons reddit For basically all raw-focused weapons, the Raging Brachydios weapons are a sidegrade compared to Safi's. the first thing i can think of is partbreaker. Hellish slasher is great of you want to build super comfy and still have acceptable damage Raging Brachydios weapon unlock . The second Raging is mostly a Sidegrade and his GS and LS are specialy close to Safi. It utilizes Teostra and Frostfang armor (You do have to be MR24+) I fitted in Vit 3, Blast Res 3, and Prot 2. It's both; at least for me. Tbf though, I guess most players fresh out of the story probably aren't tackling Raging Brachy immediately anyway, so it's probably not a big deal. Arguable Not at all. It hurts so much when it Nickelodeons all over you and punches you in the face. Think I've got a set with the narga HBG, guard 5, guard up, health boost 3 and divine blessing 5 for defence, used this to farm raging brachy reactors for all the weapons after I View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Related Topics Monster Hunter: World POV: You just reached post-game and are wondering what the best weapons are. It's probably one of the only times I've been massively challenged in this game and it wouldn't feel good just grinding and beating him with better gear. I hope I forget about them tbh. I'm comparing the normal and Raging Brachydios's weapons and I'm confused by the stats. The brachy weapon needs no handicraft and it comes with an extra slot, it has replaced Safi in my high damage comfy builds for most weapons. Speed sharpening is more useful than people give credit for, especially on something with low sharpness like the Raging Brachy weapons. Rex roar was the meta before Raging Brachydios, iirc. They have slightly worse raw. Raging Brachydios Weapons . Safi is good for elemental weapons. At a glance, the Tigrex, Viper Tobi-Kadachi and Diablos charge blades all look alright, I'm not a CB expert so can't say what's best! I agree! Raging Brachydios kept me on my toes for a couple days too. SquigglyLegend33 • Hammer Another tip is: try to take the slime off his head and arms as soon as it appears, because this removes the AoE explosions of his attacks involving these body parts. Finally beat it without carting once. Otherwise, 3 pieces Teostra, legs Yian Garuga, and chest whichever has good skills and slots. raging brachy arms take more If you know what you're doing, kulve can be pretty easy in a team, but raging brachydios will allow you to create the lightbreak weapons and some of the best armour in the game Reply reply fredminson It's not one or the other. In 3u they were all OP imo, but now if they dont have super high raw most slime weapons work well when they are fast. Maybe I don't have the best perspective, I Best of Reddit; Topics; Content Policy You can do the whole combination but a lot of the time it will just whiff because of how mobile Raging Brachydios is. You have Agitator Secret from Brachydios and Agitator Secret from Raging Brachydios. Besides those differences, he’s still just a Brachy, so bring whatever you like best into Brachys and remember his arms and face are the best places to hit, and he’s not keen on tripping. I've looked up online and I equipped the usually blast resistance 3 and tremor resistance, but even then I just find it so hard to not die from this monster. If you want something super easy to craft, get the second to last Rathian weapon (the last is Gold Rath, but you should be able to get RB or Safi way before you have access). :3 Its two phases and unique fight (the familiarity you have with standard Brachydios will only serve to throw off your senses against Raging Brachydios, pretty clever design for a variant) will make it a fight that's difficult to get tired of, kind of like how it's pretty much impossible to get tired of fighting Fatalis because of how much of a For me a general rule is, that a set is good enough when you hit 100% aff. Its official! Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang! Related Topics Raging Brachydios and Furious Rajang You just reached post-game and are wondering what the best weapons are. Just a quick question guys. Reply reply Sweet_Chicken_Love Strangely enough, Fatalis' fireballs don't actually deal all that much fire damage, they're primarily physical damage. Whether that amounts to an additional blast proc (IDK). Alatreon is real tough at first, but a good elemental weapon and learning his moves well will trivialise him. Just to simply somewhat survive his stuff, doesn't mean you can survive the last phase blast tho. sounds pretty good now that i think abt it. Note that you can only augment weapons which have reached the end of their upgrade tree. If the other melee weapons are similar to it, I'd slightly veer towards Safi'jiiva, supposing they were equally convenient to get. That's why Agitator Secret wasn't meta before Raging Brachydios. Here are my states. It has the Rajang effect even for his colossal size. fatalis>safi with good awakenings>raging brachy -safi/raging is max 5% dmg difference and the latter is more comfortable with sharpness for ELEMENT: kjarr kulve weapons/alatreon (for dragon obv)>most others iirc some exceptions for ranged weapons and some very good other craftables) My first raging brachy complete was a co op with a buddy of mine, he's a GS player and i played support SnS, worked really well actually. If so, I'd like some build recommendations for it as well. of course then there's the issue of killing a raging brachydios with a sword and shield. He’s honestly not the worst. Members Online gajahawk8 Bring a ice weapon, for skills blast resistant,evade window, evade Distance, health boost. Could I have some advice to kill raging brachydios . Fenrir Rose (Frostfang Barioth) if you have trouble with Alatreon's Escaton. I might make the alpha legs, however. I am not speaking from experience in World particularly but that's usually how slime is best used! Depends on weapon but overall raging brachy and furios rajang have very good set bonuses and some of the pieces are pretty good, just usually not the whole set. Raging Brachydios is a nightmare as well, mostly due to its speed. sort of Pretty much just Lightbreak Press (Raging Brachydios). If you’re not enjoying the glass cannon gunner life, then I’d maybe consider trying out a different weapon. Let's say I cant deal with all the fire and blast anymore, so it's Fireproof Mantle Time, but then the slots of that mantle also give me an edge in, let's say, the Friendship department. It’s the better matchup when playing solo against Velkhana, Kushala and a few others as well. I heard that it used to be the best for raw damage but I'm wondering if that's still the case. They're locked to a sliver of purple and some white as opposed to the wide range of sharpness values you can go for with Safi's weapons. There’s a couple other weapons where this is the case as well. Just not for farming raging Brachy. It is not optimal damage just like aerial insect glaive is not optimal, but IG is a WILDLY flexible weapon, maybe the most in Those Weapons focus more on ele damage with the kjaar weapons from kulve, which makes the brachy weapons not the best choice. Rare 3 has ~340 raw, lower blast, all of them get short white with Sharp +1, short purple with +2. Raging Brachy and Safi are best in class. For jewels, focus on expert, critical, spread, tenderizer, release, vitality, and ironwall. That and this should go without saying, but health boost 3 (for all weapons) is mandatory imo. Certain monsters do medium-large knock backs until guard 9, which includes Raging Brachydios (the focus of this thread). Gold Rathian was the best option in Iceborne at launch, and you'll probably want to get your hands on it before working on the later options. Basically, Safi ruled the roost for many weapons for a long time, and Lance is one of them. I still had a Master Rank mixed set of Zorah and Uragaan (for both artillery and Guard up respectively). After that, you can either go for Safi'Jiiva (blast for preference) or Raging Brachydios; they're pretty much neck-and-neck. So far I have fully upgraded: Aqua Shot for Sticky (I believe this is replaced soon) Beat the final boss, do a special assignment chain from the Admiral. Release TBD The View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Fatalis is just a literal tank. Raging Brachydios has three extremely long range attacks with large hitboxes and huge damage. I'm pretty sure Safi's Greatswords and the Raging Brachydios GS can reach 100% affinity very easily without the agitator affinity Boost and So, I wanted to know what are the best skills for a set made exclusively for Brachydios/Raging Brachydios and one set made for Teostra. He's annoying but is made easier by using anti-blast 3. I can barely keep up with it, since it's constantly repositioning, and running in without a plan will backfire (literally). I would not recommend the Consummate Blade. small weapon doesn't necessarily have the easiest time hitting arms. Raging Brachydios is rival for best Greatsword along with Safi'jiiva's Shatterblade. Raging's exceptionally ass because I've always felt Brachy is best fought by burying in his space and staying close to his legs so his big swings overshoot you, and staying close is not exactly something you can do against Weapon - Brachydios longsword (lightedge) Armour - three piece Teostra (head, arms, waist) and two piece Brachydios (chest, legs) If you dont feel like farming safi to min max a blast long sword the raging brachy longs word is your best bet. But bow is so deco starved that it’s hard to really fit divine blessing 5 before fatalis. Essentially Greatsword loves Raw damage, it's not a great weapon for Element. Then by the time you get to the final zone it's like a showdown between two bitter enemies. Not only is it massive and powerful, meaning it has more than enough strength to simply beatdown Furious Rajang if it can mange to hit it, but it also has an even stronger shell than normal due to adapting to the Flashpoint Slime to further protect it from Furious Rajang's physical might and electrical prowess. Neither is particularly difficult to get, and they both unlock well before MR 69. Can you give me some tips for I've been trying for a while to get the raging brachydios set bonus on a safi weapon but it seems the game doesn't want me to have it, I've stored potential over the cap but still no sign of it, what brings me to my question. Cant speak for the bow but the greatsword rocks you trade a negligible amount of damage compared to a maxed out safi gs and gain an extra deco slot in return which ironically means you can bridge that gap using the extra gem if you dont have like a crazy perfect gem collection for the full meta dps build meaning you can effectively have a safi level gs without ever farming safi. 3. Thx. I understand why his weapons are better than Safi's weapons. Keep an eye on your stamina and mount that mf whenever you can! Bring plunderblade for your palico, you will get materials Personally i just used my old standard mt build with the lightbreak hammer, worked fine for me. This is a place to discuss in-depth strategy for the Monster Hunter franchise, including but not limited to weapon strategy, gear builds, farming and much more. In general i am an insect glaive user, once i figured out that you'd best throw a dung pot in furious rajang's face in the water zone (where he creates staggering waves upon impact) that one went really good as well. Truth be told, it took multiple attempts before finally beating this thing. Source: killed raging brachydios with the hammer, solo, on many occasions. Safi will have just a touch more raw, the 5% more affinity and 10 points more purple when awakened with 2 sharp 5, 2 attack 5 and attack 6 while Brachy drops that in exchange for the level 3 slot and higher blast. Roll sideways 3. Just gotta keep on your toes and be the best hunter you can be. Brachydios many times but every time was a struggle. On the armors the see what builds can be put together at the time. together with CB level 3 (which you do). The Dragon Element isn't really an issue because it has high Raw damage. Brachydios Essence, however, only contributes to the first one which needs 3 instead of 2 pieces and normal Brachydios pieces are quite bad. Whatever your main weapon is go for the raging brachy version of that, they are the best weapons up until safi and some like the gunlance still contend with safi and furious rajangs HBG is the best sticky dps when paired with the right build, brachy will hold its own when farming safi so go for what your comfortable with and happy hunting. They very well have a place and are even good for some matchups or are simply a chill and easy option if you dont want to farm all the kjarr weapons and swap around for each monster. Kinda kills the hype of seeing what skills a new set has when defeating a new monster for the first time imo, since they'll typically all be worse than RB armor/weapons. Staying close to it and chipping away at its legs and fists is much safer. Most people I know found furious monke to be much more difficult than raging brachy and for the two final fights (fatalis and alatreon) there's about a 50/50 split as to which fight is seen as harder. I wanted some materials from the Raging Brachydios and I’m back at it again. Is it possible to get that set bonus on a safi weapon or have I just been wasting my time for nothing? Thank you in advance. Some like to balance this 5% missing crit out with 1 level of latent power but even that isn't needed unless you play GS because that weapon suffers a lot more if a single hit becomes a non-crit. Yesterday, I got my ass served by Raging Brachy 4 or 5 times. Raging Brachydios lance looks fucking amazing Damage is superior on Raging with purple sharpness & minimally inferior with white Raging Brachydios lance looks fucking amazing I've not yet done a build for Furious lance, and I don't IG is especially handy during the last phase where Raging Brach closes the area and fills the ground with slime. quick craft ammo 2. All the Guns are good. Its armor is also really good, eventually you'll farm him. Just embrace the salt and eventually it'll all click. -Use your traps to create openings. Then safijiiva next make your best ice weapon for alatreon then fatalis but remember to level guiding lands in between the monstes and gear making I think the difficulty and annoying moveset is the best part about raging brachy, you spend so much time jumping around to get a solid hit. Once you get to post-game, your progression path is pretty firm. Unless you use ranged weapons of course. With these split element/status dual blades, one blade is one status and the other is the other and the Safi weapon glow is dependant on what element/status they are. For 3 consequetive times when it does the bulldozer move. I use Safi weapons almost exclusively to get extra set bonuses at this point, still high damage but gimmick sets. He leaves puddles aggressively so make sure you take blast resistance level 3. So LS, DS, SNS, Lance, CB, maybe even SWAXE. Considering Raging Brachy drops this month and knowing that most of his raw weapons are pretty good I just want to double check so I don't waste my dracolite. I saw you’re HR75? Might be worth tackling other postgame threats first and coming back to Raging if he keeps crossing you up. i beat raging with insect glaive So as I understand it, Raging Brachydios has some of if not the best pre-Fatalis weapons in the game. Safi is 305 true raw with Atk VI, 2 x Atk V, 2 x Sharpness V, whereas brachy is 300 with a level 3 slot. That being said, the Safi’jiva weapons look fucking sick, and I’d love to know how best to build a Safi Longsword (what status to use, and what awakened abilities to go for). But that is so much stuff and is so specific just to reach 100% affinity. If you want to go ahead and build for the alatreon hammer, you can and it’ll probably work fine, but for stuff like hammer/gs/ls fatalis is perfectly doable with mt and lightbreak weps imo. I can beat him, but it's always messy and takes longer Afaik the melee weapons are really good especially the gunlance, the bowguns are meh I do not think the HBG offers anything worth while and the LBG has a niche use if you want to try a N3 In general, as others have: Your best bet for any weapon is just max blast resistance, tenderize, wall bangs, and as dumb as it sounds "don't be afraid". Holy shit, was I not expecting this thing to go super saiyan right where it was gonna go down. Plus raging brachy is always available, while safi siege is only for a limited time, and raging brachy you get the weapon and I can play most weapons pretty competently, but Brachydios is still one of those monsters that I kinda don't know what I'm doing with. You don’t even need a water weapon (use your weapon that deals the most damage), just attack the limb a couple of times, being careful not to overcommit, of course. I use the mantles (and their yummy slots) to prepare for certain battle events. Fire Resistance is kind of handy against him if you can get to 20pts to negate the fireblight he deals, especially if you're playing a slow-rolling or hopping weapon type, but even if you can't get there you can slot Blight Resistance instead. GS only gets 9 raw per Attack V awakening (14 with Attack VI), but LS and others get the full 10 (15) raw. Charm, use razor sharp. That doesnt mean those are useless. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Important News Alatreon Title Update & future updates delayed indefinitely due to COVID-19 More Info. So a rarity 10 weapon which has a further upgrade doesn't work; but a rarity 10 weapon that's gone as far as it can go is good. 2 pieces of Gold Rathian + 2 pieces of Raging Brachydios - gives Divine Blessing secret which comes in super clutch, and Agitator 7, which is already one of the best skills in the game, but it works even better vs Fatalis since he stays I've only fought raging brachy with the lance so I can't say whether other weapons find it naturally more difficult. Has best results when used as a burst. So I've decided to try farming for raging brachydios and so far I've only completed it 1/4 tries solo with the only completion coming in after 2 carts + vigorwasp revive. Safi'jiiva is really easy. It can be used effectively vs any monster in the game including Alatreon and Fatalis. There is water moss on area 1 and 2 of the fight. Help would be appreciated. Zorah, Rajang, Furious, Garuga, Stygian Safi isnt very prominent under The only other weapon class of Raging Brachydios weapons whose stats I know are the LS. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Not to the same extent as anti-effluvium is for Vaal, but it helps a lot. I can sympathize with the difficulties Raging provides, after my year+ long crusade against Clashing Fists Brachy in 3U. Depends on the build, but for arguments sake Safi wins in pure damage. The problem with raging is that there isn’t a good tactic to cheese him like rajang. And using a glaive that gives you strength+stam when you charge it with anything, is probably the best way to go about it! Its strength lies in its flexibility. Blast resist and a raw Safi glaive does the trick. It was the meta before Safi jiiva update. I’d say do the 50 shades of white event quest for new weapons that maybe an upgrade for you then do raging or furious. Use it on the red parts of its body so it doesn't drip when you hit them. Use 4x silver rathalos armor and a raging brachydios chest( or buff chest ) and Lunastra Blaze HBG for true critical ice ammo for less comfy but also fast cheese. long and wide have the least animation commitment compared to normal (in that order, long is brainded level safe and will make raging brachy a piece of cake) , this is very important against raging brachy since it moves too much, I even if the dps of normal is technically higher it was barely used before fatalis since it needs so many skills so there should be a few threads about it on the sub already main things from the top of my head (that aren't mentioned yet): -waterpod and all flinching slinger ammo types (scatternuts, piercing pods etc) can get the slime off in 1 hit from a safe distance Wonder if these new armour skills will be in the Safi weapon awakening pool Thinking if worth swapping out zorah secret on my gunlances for for raging secret if that's a thing. Generally slow attacking, hits lighter than Raging Brachydios, I feel. Although generally the difficulty of each is variable from person to person. Rare 6 mostly have the same good natural white, 300-320 raw, better blast than R3. Both fatalis and alatreon are definitely harder than raging brachy Best against Nergi and both Zinogre’s. The ideal weapon for raging brachydios is something that deals extreme ice damage. Learning his move sets, learning diff strats, tweaking on decorations, armor and weapons to use, actually using weaknesses as an advantage, EVERYTHING! The GS I made from him is BADASS and helped me slay a lot of monsters until Alatreon. As for a full build, you've got the right idea. Bring the fire proof mantle are temporal mantle. For me, the most frustrating fight in the game. In multi the blast procs fall off because of increased blast thresholds and then it loses to elemental bow in those matchups. Release TBD The His blast are so fast and powerful to explode than the regular Brachydios. Definitely Raging Brachydios. For the weapon, use loyal thunder. I just came back to mhw and I just got the special quest for raging brachy and yes I carted A LOT but I did unlock the armor by breaking the parts DO I NEED TO SLAY RAGING BRACHY TO UNLOCK THE WEAPONS? You don't necessarily get them frequently, but slaying him probably is the About the weapon it really depends on what kind of weapon you use, you only need an ice weapon if you are playing some elemental based weapon like DB or Bow, for things like hammers, GS, LS etc any strong raw weapon is good, just depends what you ate confortable using, I've farmed him with GS, SnS, HH and GL, all with similar results. I picked up the game again after about a year and was trying some new weapons (charge blade) and thought I’d make a good armour set to go with the new weapon. Pre-Fatalis, Safi gave tons of White sharpness, as well as almost as much raw as Raging Brachy. After this, speak to the Tracker and she will give you the quests Frenzied Brachydios was my first and only wall in MH4U. I fought Raging Brachydios for the first time, saw the armor and got that right away. Hi, I had a fairly easy time with Rajang and Stygian Zinogre but Raging Brachydios is on another level of difficulty. Safi Shatterspear is similar but it's harder/more grindy to get. you could also use the sword and shield and apply destroyer oil. If the other melee weapons are similar to it, I'd slightly veer towards Safi'jiiva, supposing they were The other weapons outside the bowguns which i cant really say, and bow + db which are better with element, all weapons are great. It also has innate purple sharpness and an extra level 3 slot. Hammer is a shitty matchup for these crazy endgame fights since the monsters are nearly impossible to stun. Raging Brchy does not have a lot of health but he is very mobile and hard to land solid hits. It helps that mounting and clutch claw are much easier to use on brachy, can provide a lot more openings, so This allows for either 100% affinity or 95% depending on the weapon, since some have a little more or less negative affi. Turns out, I only had to superman dive that stupid running sweep punch move and then roll dive to avoid the follow up jumping attack Judging by the Stygian zinogre weapons, it’s more than likely we’ll get its own tree but they’ll match the designs of the base brachydios weapons So rip dual blades However it would be cool if we could get all unique designs, maybe even have them be used to make other unique weapons like the Glavenus Greatsword, I really wish they’d Since Safi is going away soon-ish, I wanted to make sure I've got most of the best in slot weapons. After practice, I find him the easiest of all the monsters. Not sure if you know where to grind for jewels. A fully awakened Safi weapon will still out stat a raging Brachy weapon but they are comparable. I'm thinking GS for Teostra Have no idea for Brachydios. Some weapons counter him better than others too. Use traps before the final phase, since he’s immune once he gets to the final zone. Id make everything i use, if I didn't have some maxed safi Event Quest Schedule Consoles Steam (PC) News. Weapon suggestions, I personally use Each new monster I encounter I try to solo them before launching SOS or asking for a friend to help. You, however, don't have any special set boni in your build you may want to have (stun res, free meal 3 etc. The only other weapon class of Raging Brachydios weapons whose stats I know are the LS. About Raging Brachydios's weapons . You could put slider in order to achieve 100% affinity. The blast difference between the SA are the smallest compared to other weapons (only 30). I found that staying on the ground meant I got hit more, so I slapped airborne into the build and some divine blessing, and then fit in power prolonger 3 and the rest with crit eye. So you want guard 5 base against Raging brachydios not only for the small knockback, but the low weapon sharpness consumption and the smooth SAED counter. Pierce HBG with shield mods and skills trivialises the fight down to 'don't stand in goo'. Are the weapons from raging brachydios pretty much some of the strongest base damage weapons in the game or are there stronger ones I have yet to discover? Related Topics You just reached post-game and are wondering what the best weapons are. I just beat Raging Brachydios and have enough materials to craft it. Although if not, I might swap out zorah secret for silver ratholos skill so then I can still get that sweet slinger capacity boost while using new brachy armour. All of these require that you know how to 1. . I beat R. Because lance is a good matchup, the upward poke stabs directly into r brachy's arms. Weapons that are fast and have i-frames are good against raging, I personally do the best with longsword since his moves are really easy to counter with foresight Reply reply VV3nd1g0 Raging is one of those "adapt and overcome" monsters for me. Beyond that, be careful. Brachydios Blademaster weapons have 3 upgrade paths. i find that by stacking destroyer oil and chaos oil you can break parts pretty quickly. Not that different from the recon. My armor: Kaiser Crown α+ Event Quest Schedule Consoles Steam (PC) News. Probably not a lot of builds with it because of the timing and weapon availability according to the meta at the time. qovog svgz tgp nozpqf uhgsk ppowp gzqh iqx djnzw jqqxr kgov ulfua fgbj sadwzjn dlste